Conference Scope:

A. Pre-Avicennan Logic

The development of Aristotelian logic in the Islamic world
The effects of Aristotle’s commentators on Islamic logicians
Aristotle’s Muslim commentators

B. Avicenna’s Logic

Avicenna’s reception of Aristotle
The effects of Aristotle’s commentators on Avicenna
Avicenna’s logical novelties
The commentators and the critics of Avicenna’s logic

C. Post-Avicennan Logic

The development of logic after Avicenna
The profound logicians after Avicenna
The logical schools and circles after Avicenna
Avicennan logic in the contemporary Islamic world
Avicennan logic in the geographic regions of the Islamic world

D. Comparative logic

Comparison of the Muslims’ logical points of view
Comparison of logic in the Islamic world and Mediaeval Europe
Comparison of logic in the Islamic world and the Islamic sciences
Comparison of logic in the Islamic world and the linguistic sciences
Comparison of logic in the Islamic world and Mathematics and Physics
Comparison of logic in the Islamic world and the modern logic